Here Comes Gen Z!

I am often asked when does Gen Y end and what comes next? Because they are still children, there is room for debate as to when Gen Z start(ed) and what it will be like. Some say it began as early as 1991, but I would say later — today’s 18-year old looks like a Millennial to me. Some say it started in 2001 with 9/11, which would slam this group with a very unfortunate name.

What will define Gen Z is a more interesting and relevant question. In the absence of any real data, the temptation is to say that Gen Z will be just like Gen Y only moreso. I doubt it. Every generation so far has had unique qualities based on the times they were raised and prevailing parental attitudes. Those who ascribe to the Fourth Turning generational theory predict Gen Z will be a second ‘Silent Generation’. This may prove to be true, given their common roots in a depression/recession.

There are some clues to be gained by watching Gen Z’s parents, mostly Gen X’ers, but also late Boomers and early Gen Y’s. These parents take ‘helicopter’ parenting to new heights. It’s been said, never to allow work to get between a Gen X mom and her child. Until recently, these kids have had the best of everything technology and money can buy. Mintel data shows the best predictor of use of organic foods and locally grown foods by far is presence of children. Gen X puts ‘time for family’ among its top values.

In the end, there’s really no way to really know yet how the combination of super-parenting and recession will influence Gen Z, but it will be fascinating to watch.
