When it comes to conquering content, there is more than one format that works to engage customers who share the Modern Consumer Mindset™. And the reality is, that can be the hardest part for brands in the content creation process.
Inspired by the Altimeter Group, we developed a content matrix that can be utilized when creating a content marketing strategy. This matrix is divided by planned and unplanned content, as well as proactive and reactive content. The X-axis is consumer-based, as brands are responding to consumer engagement, and the Y-axis is formed by brands’ abilities to control or plan for a situation.
Based on this Content Matrix, content can be divided into four distinct quadrants:
1. Rooted Content
2. Social Care Content
3. Branded Content
4. Social Satellite Content
Each quadrant correlates with a specific part of brand content strategy that organizations can (and do) use to engage their brand partners – aka modern consumers. So, what are these strategies?
Rooted Content
This type of content is where brands are traditionally focused. This brand content is both planned and proactive and can be developed over an extended period of time – all reasons why it is highly favored. However, it is essentially promotional and typically centered around anticipated brand actions, such as product launches and public relations campaigns. Corporate sponsorships also fall into this category.
While useful at the right times, brands should be careful that they don’t come across as too sales-y within Rooted Content. There is absolutely nothing wrong with planning ahead and being aware of what is on the horizon, but there must still be transparency, authenticity and alignment with your brand’s Editorial Authority. As the foundation of a brand’s overarching communication strategy, Editorial Authority will allow organizations to build the right content pillars, which in turn will identify what opportunities exist to lead and participate in consumer conversations.
Social Care Content
Social Care is another form of popular content utilized most often through social media, as it serves as a more personal outlet. This content is the one-on-one interactions brands have with their consumers, curated when brands engage in daily customer service processes or when working to build stronger loyalty among core consumer groups. This is the part of a brand’s content strategy where relevancy should be a significant focus. A wealth of power can be had by determining the conversations that already exist where their brand can have a voice – as long as it aligns with their Editorial Authority.
Branded Content
Branded Content plays in the planned and reactive space, allowing brands the capability to prepare for what is ahead but still react in real-time. Additionally, this type of content is formulated from the beginning based on brand Editorial Authority and the potential to obtain the most Conversational Capital, or rather the value given to your brand based on non-financial assets like social presence and brand stance. The best Branded Content interests society at large and takes a stand on what matters most to both brand and consumers in a way that extends beyond just products and services offered.
Social Satellite Content
Many successful brands have implemented a Social Satellite Content strategy, which is often referred to as the Brand Newsroom. In a similar fashion to a satellite orbiting the galaxy and collecting data to be used to predict future events, a Social Satellite team monitors social media in real-time. The purpose? To ensure a brand stays up-to-date on the latest trends, creates immediate interactions with consumers, and proactively manages brand promotion. After all, when it comes to social, Millennial Mindset consumers pay attention to brands that work to provide them with a personalized, authentic experience when they want it and in the way they want it.
It is evident that the content landscape of today’s modern market requires a much greater amount of attention and alignment from brands than ever before. While there is a tendency for brand marketers to shift the focus to volume or quantity of content that brands can push out, this should not be the intention of modern brand content strategies. The intention, above all else, should be reaching the right people at the right time – in every quadrant.