Victoria’s Secret’s PINK brand is hot. With sales approaching $1 Billion, it is growing faster than VS overall according to Ad Age. PINK’s Facebook Group boasts 509,478 fans, one of the largest on the site. This fall, PINK started directly targeting the collegiate crowd with a COMPREHENSIVE approach that leaves no stone unturned, with apps for your facebook page, style guides, videos of favorite bands, logowear from 33 universities, video personality profiles, events (PINKAPOLOOZA) text messaging sign up, free customizable goodies for your myspace page or computer, insider blogs, a maglog, cause marketing, a $5 planner promotional offer — even horoscopes. Nothing was left out. And the overall sense is that they won’t stop here, there’s lots more to come. (I was interested to note that Notre Dame is not one of the participating schools, you can see a list click here; be sure to click Roll Call to hear the charming Behati from Namibia read the school names to you, definitely worth watching).
Overall, the site feels more like a social network than a comercial site, and that apparently is the intent and its appeal. I admit I found 30 minutes of total entertainment. It makes college look so COOL! Who wouldn’t want to be part of this scene? Cool is apparently is the goal, according to Sara Tervo, PR Director:
With fickle teens jumping from one fashion brand to another, it’s a balancing art to stay relevant and “cool” in the eyes of this consumer group. “What VS Pink does is it listens to the customer, pays attention to the fashion trends, and stays true to the brand,” says Tervo. (PR Week)
Brands who want to approach the college market would do well to look at VSPINK.