Don’t Miss Webinar: Connecting with Millennial Employees

Posted by: Andriu Brenes

As millennials are quickly becoming a powerful force in our market, they are influencing more than just our retail trends. According to Pew Research, millennials surpassed generation X in 2015 to become the largest share in the American workforce. And with that comes a major shift in the way businesses are approaching employee/employer relationships and the value of office culture.

Join Jeff Fromm, president of FutureCast, and the team from Bridge, a new corporate LMS created by Instructure, for an interactive and informative webinar that will provide a powerful and insightful look at what business leaders need to keep in mind to prepare for a new generation of digitally native and globally minded employees.

Generally, Jeff will cover:

1. Major differences between boomers, gen Xers and millennials when it comes to workplace performance

2. Shifting mindsets of millennials that are fueling workplace expectations

3. Best case examples of brands getting it right and winning internal millennial employee love

4. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Employers and what you need to know in order to apply those lessons

5. Real-life applications that can be applied to nearly any business across a range of industries

CLICK HERE to sign up for this don’t miss webinar now!
