We don’t just talk about Millennial behavior. We know it, inside out.
Our team is constantly studying market trends and building partnerships with industry-leading research agencies like Forrester, Boston Consulting Group, Nielsen, The Cambridge Group and more to identify major insights regarding modern consumer behavior. Our reports and white papers have helped brands across industry verticals better understand their Millennial audience and create new marketing and business strategies that have increased sales and consumer engagement across the board.
Don’t believe us? Check it out for yourself and download a free report or white paper below!

The Power of Gen Z Influence: Marketing to Gen Z™
How the Pivotal Generation is Affecting Market Spend
It is cited frequently on the internet that Gen Z spends $44 billion a year on themselves and influence another $600 billion in spending by others. Unfortunately, these statistics are often presented without: 1) explanation or context or 2) support from the references they cite. This white paper outlines our efforts to estimate Gen Z's spending power, both direct and indirect, so that marketers can properly put the influence of this generation in perspective.
FutureCast has been involved in a number of Millennial reports including:

A New Picture of Health
How Millennial Consumer Mindsets are Affecting the Health Care and Health Insurance Industries
Although holistically minded overall, Millennials’ views of health are inconsistent. While they believe all citizens should have access to health care regardless of income or health history, they are not fans of the individual mandate that requires an insurance plan – the big factor that makes the health care law work. This contradiction is coupled with another: Despite an overwhelming distrust in government, an overwhelming majority believe the government has the responsibility to provide universal health care.
This creates tension for health care and health insurance brands, particularly as Millennials age out of their parents’ plans and home. Understanding the dichotomy between Millennials as patients and as members of health care plans is essential to finding the solutions that fit their unique needs – and leads to an even more significant finding: There are two distinct mindsets of modern consumers shaping the future of both the health care and health insurance industries, affecting how such brands must interact with these consumers moving forward.

Building Brands Inside Out
Why Your External Brand Is Only As Strong As Your Internal Culture
In today’s workforce, 83 percent of managers are Millennials, and this cohort already accounts for the largest generation of employees, surpassing both Boomers and Gen X. On the surface, you’re likely seeing how these young, dynamic, casually dressed, tech-obsessed professionals are bringing a new kind of energy into the workplace. But only after we dig beneath the surface level can we begin to understand how deeply this next-gen workforce will impact the future trajectory of how organizations and brands conduct business – both internally and externally.

Getting to Know Gen Z
How the Pivotal Generation is Different from Millennials
Generation Z is becoming one of the most powerful consumer forces in our market, with an influence on nearly $44 billion in discretionary spending a year. As they continue to form their own brand preferences and develop personal buying behaviors, they will have a strong influence on the direction our market will go. Our latest research report takes a deep dive into these expectations and identifies how Gen Z is pivoting away from past generations to create a unique identity all their own.

Your Editorial Authority is Your Future
In a landscape where consumers are literally blocking advertising from their view, how do brands compete to earn consumer love? Our answer is an approach that feels much more organic and is focused less on advertising and more on building relationships. The answer is content marketing. But, where does this content come from? And, most importantly, how can we convey our messages in a way that makes sense and resonates in a hyper-connected, digital age? Throughout this report, we aim to answer those questions. You will learn what you need to know to create an engaging content strategy, starting with building your brand’s Editorial Authority.

The Snack Hack
What You Need to Know About Modern Consumer Snacking Culture
More than 50 percent of all eating occasions by Americans on a daily basis are considered snacking. And with nearly all Americans (94 percent according to Mintel) snacking at least once per day, it’s no wonder that snacking is currently the greatest growth driver in the CPG industry. The line between meals and snacking is thickly blurred and Millennials are the ones leading the charge.

The Millennial Mindset
Quantifying the Impact on Consumer Spend and Brand Preference Across Generations
As a marketer, you are probably already well aware of all that has been written on the millennial generation. We certainly have written our fair share of reports and books. But more than just the sheer number, the question is truly how can brands begin to navigate and, more importantly, prioritize and quantify that coveted millennial influence? The answer to this question lies in what we call the Millennial Mindset®.

American Millennials
Deciphering the Enigma Generation
The sheer size and buying power of this generation means that they’re not just future consumers, they’re a vital part of the market right now — and they have been for some time. They’re not only your customers, they are also your employees, which makes it helpful to understand how they think and what will engage them at work.

Millennials As New Parents
The Rise Of A New American Pragmatism
Barkley and FutureCast's joint study "Millennials As New Parents: The Rise of A New American Pragmatism" is a new phase of the agency's in-depth look at the millennial generation. This report focuses specifically on more than 10 million millennials over the age of 25 who also have children. The surprising data reveals new trends that run contrary to the typical millennial stereotype of young, unattached and living with their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Millennial Mom and Dad
In-Depth Behavioral Segmentation Study of Millennials with Children
Over the next 25 years, 80 percent of millennials will be like every generation before them as they step into their new roles of mom and dad. Our media saturated culture hasn’t yet caught up with this reality. There is still a tendency to report on millennials as if they are still “those colorful natives,” ahead of the rest of us in technology adaptation and practitioners of all kinds of peculiar habits. This is a myopic view of the generation, and the truth about them lies elsewhere.

The Millennial Brief on Travel and Lodging
What Your Brand Needs to Know to Connect with a New Generation of Travelers
In the face of disruptor brands such as Airbnb, traditional lodging brands will need to step up their efforts to see growth in their market penetration and to rank higher in the consideration set of a new generation of travelers: millennials. To do so, brands must first understand the important characteristics of millennials in this space, the best-in-class examples of lodging brand strategies that exist today and what millennial influence means for the future of the industry.

Money Matters
How Affluent Millennials are Living the Millennial Dream
Affluence has been a growing buzzword when it comes to millennials in the marketing and business world. Across the board, brands from Burberry to BMW have been wondering how to engage a nascent but growing population of affluent young adults, due to their nontrivial impact on discretionary spending.

The Secret Sauce For The Modern Brand
Food Marketing Secrets For Millennial Brand Success
Want to know the key Millennial Mindset trends influencing food today? You're in the right place. This report will break down the top market trends in the food industry today and what you need to know to stay on the forefront of emerging consumer behavior. This report will also explore what innovation looks like for food brands and how millennial behavior is influencing the way brands are building their businesses in addition to marketing their products.

Making the Hot List
Retail Marketing Tips for Winning with Millennials
This report will provide you with a synthesis of the key Millennial Mindset trends influencing fashion and shopping today. When it comes to fashion and shopping, there isn’t a more important demographic for retailers to reach than millennials. They already account for 21 percent of consumer discretionary purchases, totaling $1.3 trillion in direct spending power. They’re just starting to become parents and will soon hit their peak spending years, which will give them the final push they need to become powerful economic players. Another key reason that millennials are so valuable to retailers is that they have a huge influence over other generations.

Millennials on Tap
A Guide for Marketing to Millennials in the Adult Beverage Category
Millennials are the youngest legal drinkers in the United States and are not shy about
sharing their alcoholic preferences. Whether they are drinking trendy craft beers, boxed
wines or scotch straight up, they are doing so in a way that no other generation has before.
Alcohol has become intertwined with the millennial culture, resulting in a re-imagination
of the adult beverage industry. In order to better understand US adult drinkers, we have created five distinct orbits based on research conducted by Consumer Orbit, an analytics and media-planning agency.

What’s The Buzz On Bling
Marketing Luxury Jewelry to a New Generation of Affluent Millennials
Millennials wield major market influence across industry verticals. It is no secret that this generation is setting trends that influence consumers up and down the generational line. However, as this group enters its peak earning years, brands in the luxury jewelry category must begin to reimagine what it takes to win over a modern generation. Luxury branding is transforming and the brands that don't keep up will surely miss out.

Fillin’ Up on Millennials
Your Guide to the Modern Millennial Convenience Shopper
This report will walk you through a new segmentation of millennial c-store shoppers and the marketing tactics you need to implement to connect with them. Millennials are one of the youngest generations and are becoming an increasingly important consumer for c-stores as they continue to change and shape the industry. They have different ideals and shopping priorities and are looking for ways for brands to make their busy, on-the-go lives easier. C-stores are primed for transformation and can help redefine the way millennial consumers shop for convenience.

Who Eats The Meats
A Guide to the Modern U.S. Lean Protein Eaters
Whether you’re an on-the-go mom, an avid exerciser or just a regular Joe, maintaining a balance of protein in your diet is important for everyone. In today’s world, the list of protein sources has grown incredibly long. Consumers can get the necessary amount of protein to fuel their day in a number of ways, but lean meats are key to crafting a healthy lifestyle.
For more information or to access these reports, contact Jeff Fromm at